Thursday, April 16, 2009

My First Visit to Nordstrom

I admit it. After living the better part of a half century, I have NEVER before been to a Nordstrom, and today I decided to take the plunge. I live a few stones' throws from the Cherry Hill Mall, so today seemed like a good as day as any to see my new neighbor; the Nordstrom had opened a couple months ago.
Back when I worked in retail, our trainers used to tell us about Nordstrom's legendary customer service, how sales agents would make miracles happen to ensure absolute shopping bliss for customers with fat wallets and purses.
I strolled into the Temple of Nordrstrom, feeling very unfashionable, clad in my old black Levis and a pull over shirt purchased years ago at Kohls. I put my hands on a collared men's shirt and found the tag. $125 dollars for a shirt that would go for a hundred less at Marshalls!!!! Are the people I see toting around their snappy Nordstoms shopping bags, filled with sartorial booty, absolutely nuts! I then found a rack adorned with white leather jackets, all deliberately smudged with what appeared to be dirt. The price? DRUMMMMM ROOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. $695!!!!!!!
In these recession-battered times who has this kind of money? Why pay so much for merchandise that can be bought for a fifth of the price at JC Penney?
As I fled the shiny, happy store, I could only think of the classic children's tale, The Emperor's New Clothes. The vain emperor foolishly paid some shyster tailors a fortune while they created nothing for him, all the while pretending to design and create most lavish clothes and outfits. All of his subjects made a big deal about the "clothes," buttering up the emporer and praising his exquisite taste. It took a little girl to tell the truth: the emperor has payed all that money for nothing. He has no clothes!!

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